Review the following questions and see how they may adjust your approach to the scenario. 

Why is keeping the Commercial assignment but adding a Wildland assignment optimal? 

An assignment is already responding, Engines carry wildland PPE if needed, and the most significant threat is to the apartment and houses. Getting units already responding on the scene mitigates the priorities even if the compliment is not optimal. Requesting an additional wildland response in addition to the Commercial is the best approach.  

What hose lines did you use from the initial Engine?

'Some kind of explosion' must raise concern. Is it Fuels/Propane/Batteries or something else? Additionally, the steepness of the hillside and access through the gate are critical factors when approaching the base of this fire. Commercial areas have large water mains and easy access to hydrants favors hitting this hard from the bottom, at a distance utilizing a smooth bore and possibly deck gun to get a quick knock on the fire and hopefully slow its progress. Make sure to 'see' what caused the fire in case water is a no go for extinguishing the origin and anchoring there.

How did you implement a change from 800 mhz to VHF?

Either IC1 or incoming BC will need this done as a priority. Ideally, it is handled directly after your initial report of conditions as everyone is already on 800 mhz. That can give dispatch time to secure the channels and everyone else time to bring theirs (Portable and Base) on the right channel. 

Once on VHF what is given on COMMAND and what is given on TACTICAL?

Ideally, the initial report of conditions was on 800 mhz for this scenario, but if VHF switch occurred before the 1st engine arrived, then the initial report of conditions is on COMMAND.  All incoming units would then use the MCT to indicate on scene and go directly with IC on TACTICAL. 

COMMAND : Initial Radio Report, Follow-up Reports, Resource Requests, Directions for incoming units.

TACTICAL : All units operating on the incident engaged in direct attack. 

Will the initial response contain and extinguish this fire?

Not likely. Terrain, fuels, and weather will not easily be overcome with the initial assignment (including Commercial and Wildland). Therefore, a reinforced response of Type 3, Type 1, Helicopters, Air Attack, Water tenders, and Chief Officers to start with Hand crews to follow is the ideal resources needed.

 Starting with a Stationary Command is paramount, followed by anticipating shifting into a primary role with the first arriving BC as a command team. Working together to order the right resources and deploy them effectively will set the command and control of the incident. To do this effectively the initial IC will ensure thier crew is assigned to an incoming unit and develope a solid grasp on tactics to contain this fire.   

Was evacuation a priority, and how did you balance that with contain/control objectives when assigned to protect the homes on Mountain View

Evacuation of the apartment complex and homes on Mountain View is the priority for life. The priority of incident stabilization is the aggressive application of water off Mountainview to defend homes and ensure the apartment does not become a structure fire. 

WITH LCES in place, objectives include:

IC1/IC2 and command organization development.

Effectively ordering resources and efficient deployment requires strong team work.  The initial IC and arriving BC must begin to form this team. Key items as this team grows will include:

Tactical Channel

Command Channel 

AIR Attack Channel


Leaders Intent, TLO, Control objective and priorities. How do we put this together.

Catch this was on a Saturday? Each city has one BC on duty. No doubt chief officers will begin to show up, but kicking this off right requires solid company officers working effectively within a Leader's Intent (Task, Purpose, End State). A timely Command organization is essential to containing and controlling this fire. 

Leader's Intent for the start of this Simulation:

Judiciously apply water to slow the progress of this fire to expedite evacuations and ensure apparatus positioned to defend defensible homes.   

The primary plan is to have evacuation complete, no structures lost, and contain it North of Mountain view, East of the I5, South of the businesses on Oceanside Blvd, and West of the homes on Cole way. 

Achieving this Primary Plan starts with the Initial IC and BC working out of the same vehicle handling tactical deployments and resources (ground and air). Organization priorities include:

Following the deployment of air resources and creating divisions with objectives, the Leader's Intent will update to:

Safely and aggressively utilize indirect and direct tactics to contain the fire within the control objectives and ensure the defense of defensible homes.   

A possibility of the  apartment, commercial, or multiple residentials become significantly involved in fire or brush burning outside defensible lines must be considered. This Alternative Plan will ensure evacuation is complete, extinguish all fires and contain it North of Grand View, East of the I5, South of Oceanside Blvd, and West of Crouch St. 

Lessons from 

Camp Fire

IA - Checklist Wildland.pdf

IA Checklist

EOM WUI 2021.pdf


First hour of Camp Fire and other WUI's